Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Did you know that the chicken pox virus can stay dormant for many years and reoccur as shingles? Shingles is painful rashes and band around one side of the body is affected by the virus (varicella-zoster virus, or VZV) moving along the roots of the nerves, which then travels into the skin. This disease is particularly common in adults over the age 50, a person with a weakened immune system and anyone who has had chicken pox. Having shingles can be deadly based on other health issue, such as cancer, pneumonia, HIV/AIDS, and etc which have a low immunity. There is a 20% chance for a person that’s had chicken pox to get this disease again. Not knowing what causes the chicken pox to come back as shingle still remains a mystery to the medical fields, but some think that it could be from stress, injury, or radiation. Shingles is not considering a contagious disease but can easily spread from one person to another by an individual not having chicken pox before in there life. Being aware of what shingle can do is important because there are a lot of different complications that one could face during the time of the disease.

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